MARTIAL ARTS CLUB, Located in Kaizen Physiotheraphy (the old iKids)
Unit 5A, Sallybrook Industrial Estate, Glanmire, Cork
Moa Sogi(Close Stance)
Weight Distribution - 50:50
Leading Leg - Neither
Stand with feet together
Narani Sogi(Parallel Stance)
Weight Distribution - 50:50
Leading Leg - Neither
Feet parallel
Annun Sogi(Sitting Stance)
Weight Distribution - 50:50
Leading Leg - Neither
Feet parallel
Nachuo Sogi (Low Stance)
Weight Distribution - 50:50
Leading Leg - Front leg
Similar to Gunnun Sogi (Walking Stance),
but longer by one foot
Kyocha Sogi (X-Stance)
Weight Distribution - Almost all the weight on the balancing leg
Leading Leg - The leg carrying the weight
Guburyo Junbi Sogi A (Bending Ready Stance Type A)
Weight Distribution - 100:0
Leading Leg - The leg carrying the weight
Gunnun Sogi(Walking Stance)
Weight Distribution - 50:50
Leading Leg - Front leg
Front foot points forward Rear foot points 25° outward
Niunja Sogi(L-Stance)Weight
Distribution - 70:30 (70% on the rear leg) Leading Leg - Rear legToes of both feet point 15° inward
Gojung Sogi (Fixed Stance)
Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Front legToes of both feet point 15° inward
Dwit Bal Sogi (Rear Foot Stance)
Weight Distribution - 90:10 (90% on the rear leg)
Leading Leg - Rear leg
Front foot points 25° inward Rear foot points 15° outward
Soojik Sogi(Vertical Stance)
Weight Distribution - 60:40 (60% on the rear leg)
Leading Leg - Rear leg
Toes of both feet point 15° inward